
   Each individual work of art is meticulously looked as with a trained eye with over 60 years of experience as to aesthetics, cultural heritage, individual brush techniques, every artist had his own unique style.structural integrity and age. Most work over it’s life is passed down from generation to generation, all conservation must be reversible for further conservator to restore with minimal disturbance of the original artist and the materials used.
   As far back as the 13th C. Therefore a full knowledge of organic chemistry and science and different artists techniques, pigments, color mixing used is key to the conservators to be able to make the correct disciplined decisions. No mistakes.

   To begin your conservation project, call for an appointment, or email me.
After my consultation, your artwork will be examined, tested and a full provenance will be done.
I will then send you a detailed proposal free of charge, listing condition and test results.
A full estimated breakdown cost and conservation list will be recommended, and work timetable.
   Upon Approval, I will keep you updated on the progress.

Payment will be 50% on agreement, balance on final delivery.
   I do not except Credit Cards, personal bank check, or cash only.